As February approaches, shop windows transform, restaurants set romantic tables, and the air hums with anticipation on Valentine's Day with its ubiquitous hearts, chocolates, and roses, has become a global phenomenon. But have you ever paused to wonder where this tradition originated and how it evolved into the day we know today?

The history of Valentine's Day is a fascinating tapestry woven with threads of ancient customs, religious figures, and evolving societal norms. While the origins remain a mystery, several historical threads contribute to its rich narrative.

Though shrouded in legend, the figure of Saint Valentine is often associated with the day. Some accounts depict him secretly marrying couples against the emperor's wishes, while others portray him sending a loving message to his jailer's daughter before his execution.

While the historical accuracy of these narratives, they solidified the association of Saint Valentine with love and sacrifice.

By the Middle Ages, Valentine's Day was a day for expressing love through handwritten notes and poems, often penned by anonymous admirers. This practice, known as "courtly love," laid the foundation for the tradition of sending Valentine's cards.

The 19th century saw the commercialization of Valentine's Day, with mass-produced cards and candy boxes becoming popular. This trend intensified in the 20th century, with the day becoming increasingly associated with romantic gestures and gift-giving.

While traditionally focused on romantic love, Valentine's Day has increasingly become a day to celebrate all forms of love and affection. Friends and family members showered with cards, gifts, and gestures of appreciation. This inclusivity reflects an evolving understanding of love in our society, recognizing its diverse expressions and significance in different relationships.

As Valentine's Day continues to evolve, it presents an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of love in our lives. Whether we celebrate with a romantic partner or close friends or dedicate some time to self-love, the essence of the day lies in acknowledging and expressing the connections that enrich our lives.